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    £84.99 £145.98
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    Introducing Our NIOSH N95 Respirator Mask - 10 Pack

    Exceptional Comfort and Durability

    Our NIOSH N95 Respirator Mask, available in a convenient 10-pack, has been meticulously designed to offer unmatched comfort during extended periods of wear. Crafted from top-quality, soft materials, this mask ensures a snug and cozy fit, even when worn for hours at a time. What sets it apart is its water-resistant inner layer, providing an additional shield against potential health hazards. We prioritize your well-being, and this mask is a testament to our commitment to your safety and comfort.

    Efficient Filtration for Maximum Protection

    The heart of our NIOSH N95 Respirator Mask lies in its advanced filtration system. The filter layer effectively captures fine particles that may bypass the initial layers, ensuring that you breathe clean and purified air. This superior filtration performance is a cornerstone of our mask's design, making it your reliable defense against airborne contaminants.

    Cutting-Edge Antiviral Technology

    In the realm of personal protective equipment, innovation is paramount, and our NIOSH N95 Respirator Mask truly delivers. Within its composition lies an antiviral layer fortified with copper and zinc ions. These elements induce structural changes in proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids, swiftly inactivating and annihilating pathogens and viruses within minutes. This means that no infectious viruses will linger on the surface of the mask, adding an extra layer of protection for you and those around you.

    Revolutionary Design by Innonix

    Behind our NIOSH N95 Respirator Mask is the pioneering expertise of Innonix, a trailblazing company with over 19 years of experience in the field of personal protective equipment. Our mask not only blocks 95% of minuscule particles measuring 0.3 microns but also demonstrates the ability to inactivate up to 99.9% of these particles within minutes. This revolutionary patented design speaks volumes about our dedication to your safety and our commitment to staying at the forefront of innovation. Trust in our mask to safeguard your health and well-being like never before.

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